Saturday, August 31, 2019

Invasion of the Drones Essay

The constitutional issues that the people have raised on drones are the right to privacy, which is guaranteed in the fourth amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects against â€Å"unreasonable searches and seizures. † It guarantees Americans’ right to privacy and requires police to obtain warrants or have â€Å"probable cause† to search someone’s property. This could violate the constitution because should police be require to obtain warrants to take photos and collect other information with the Drones? Then in the Fifth Amendment it guarantees Americans accused of crimes the right to â€Å"due process† under the law. The accused are entitled to a legal representation and to see the evidence that’s being used against them. This could violate the Constitution because drone strikes aimed at killing American terrorist suspects in foreign countries could violate the Amendment. I share the concern for the violation of the Fourth Amendment, because I would feel that I’m under watch all the time, and that at any time the Police could be collecting information or taking pictures of me because they have the equipment to do so. Then what if they used these pictures and information to give them a probable cause to search my house, but they didn’t find what they were looking for. The technically violated my privacy for no reason. When most people hear the word drone, they probably this of how the drones have been used in the last decades. Which were the drones were used to kill suspected terrorist in hot spots like Pakistan and Yemen. Or one particular incident that attracted a lot of attention was in September 2011, the C. I. A. drone strike in Yemen killed an American citizen, a radical cleric who preached holy war, which violated his Fifth Amendment rights. This might affect the public’s receptiveness to the domestic use of drones because a new federal law paved the way for drones to be used commercially in the U. S. nd made it easier for government agencies to obtain them. The Department of Homeland Security even offered grants to help local authorities buy drones. Various sensors, included cameras can even be attached to the drone. Senator Patrick Leahy said that this fast-emerging technology is cheap and could pose a significant threat to the privacy and civil liberties of millions of Americans. It is another example of a fast-changing policy which we need to focus to make sure it is used correctly.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Brucellosis, commonly known as Bangs disease, comes from the genus Brucella. Brucella is a highly contagious zoonosis contracted by the ingestion of unsterilized milk or meat products that are infected. It can also be contracted by the close contact with the animal secretions. Human to human transmission is rare but yet still possible by means of sexual contact or mother to child. Brucella is a small, gram-negative microbe that is non-motile and has non-spore forming rods. It functions as a facultative intercellular parasite that causes chronic disease and will usually persists for life.Human symptoms are recognized by profuse sweating and muscle and joint pain. Brucellosis has been recognized in animals and humans since the 19th century. Brucellosis, when first discovered, went by the name of Malta fever. It first came to the attention of British medical officers in Malta during the Crimean war in the mid 1850’s. The relationship between organisms and the disease was first es tablished in 1887 by Dr David Bruce. In 1897, Danish veterinarian Bernhard Bang isolated Brucella abortus as the agent â€Å"Bangs disease†.Maltese doctor and archeologist Sir Themistocles Zammit earned his knighthood for recognizing unpasteurized milk as the major source of the pathogen in 1905. The species of the Brucella, Brucella abortus, is the main cause of brucellosis in cattle and bison. The bacteria are shed from an animal around the time of calving or pregnancy. Once exposed, the likelihood the animal becoming infected is variable depending on age, pregnancy status, and the amount of bacteria the animal was exposed to. The most common signs in animals are incidences of abortion, arthritic joints, and retained afterbirth.There are primarily two main causes of abortion in animals. One is due to the build up of erythritol which promotes infections in the fetus and the placenta. The second is due to lack of anti-brucella activity in the amniotic fluid during pregnancy. Males can harbor the bacteria in reproductive tracts like the testicles, epididymides, and seminal vesicles. Dairy herds in the US are tested at least once a year with a Brucella milk ring test (BRT). Cows that are found to be infected are often killed and disposed of. US veterinarians are required to vaccinate calves, thereby reducing the chance of zoonotic transmission.This is referred to as a â€Å"calfhood† vaccination. Most cattle will receive a tattoo in the ear after receiving the vaccination. Canada declared their entire cattle herd brucellosis free on September 19th, 1985. Ring tested ended shortly after in April of 1999 but monitoring still continues in auction markets. The first US state-federal cooperative efforts toward eradication of brucellosis were put into effect in 1934. Brucellosis has infected Ireland for decades. Farmers and veterinarians were bothered by the disease from the interaction with the livestock.Ireland was declared free of the disease on July 1, 2009. Brendan Smith, Minister of Irelands agriculture, fisheries and food, quoted that the elimination of the disease from the country was â€Å"a landmark in the history of disease eradication in Ireland† Outbreaks of Brucella abortus and BSE in cattle, Cork RVL, 1990-2003. Along with livestock, dogs can also be infected by the genus Brucella. The species that affects dogs is Brucella canis. The disease is transmitted to other dogs though breeding and contact with aborted fetuses.The bacteria can harbor in the dogs genitals and lymphatic system and may also spread to the eyes, kidneys, and intervertebral discs. Systems in dogs consist of abortions in females and males show signs of scrotal inflammation and orchitis (inflammation of the testicles. One of the last remaining controversial hot spots for brucellosis is Yellowstone National Park in Montana and Wyoming. The bison and elk that roam free in and around Yellowstone are said to be the last remaining reservoirs for br ucellosis. A recent transmission from elk into cattle was recently reported in Idaho and Wyoming.Cattle, elk, and bison keep a fairly spacious distance from each other let alone interbreed with each other. So how did the disease spread in between the three different species? Yellowstone biologists observed that the disease was being spread by sharing the same foliage in a given area. An infected ungulate would come by, forage on the grasses and shrubs, and leave behind a layer of saliva and mucous on the uneaten plants. The next animal would come by and feed on the same grasses and shrubs and contract the disease through close contact.Although the disease would be ingested, the biologists believe that the disease what not acquired through the GI tract linings. Instead they believe the disease is absorbed into the body through the epithelial layers of the inner nasal canal and nasopharynx. With the animals nostrils being close to the plants while eating, it would be easy for the anim al to inhale some of the existing mucous from the other animals into their own nasal canal. The current controversy about the brucellosis spread is issue with the bison and elk from the Yellowstone herds possibly infecting the surrounding areas cattle herds.Ranchers pay up-words of 13 to 15 dollars per cow, twice a year to vaccinate for the brucellosis disease. They are required to vaccinate their entire herd before the herd goes to summer pasture and after they return. Some ranchers pay up to $20,000 every year for the brucellosis vaccines alone. This being said, the controversy isn’t the pay out for the vaccines every year, but because of the issue with the conservation of the bison and elk herds. The herds are usually situated on public lands and therefore are managed by the state and federal governments through hunting.This management is believed by some to not be effective enough to eliminate the chance of brucellosis transmission within herds. Along with cattle and othe r livestock being infected, there comes the possibility of transmission from the livestock to humans. The infection in humans is usually caused by the consumption of unpasteurized milk and cheeses that are made from the milk of and infected animal. Cattle are the biggest concern being the main source of meat and dairy products, but other livestock can also pass the disease. One particular are goats.Goats are commonly infected with the species Brucella melitensis. This disease is also passed by the consumption of the meats, milk, and cheeses consumed from this animal. Occupational exposure is a risk to lab workers, veterinarians, stockyard employees, and slaughterhouse workers. Some of the vaccines used for the livestock may also cause the disease in humans if accidentally injected. Once infected with the disease, it can induce inconstant fevers, profuse sweating, weakness, anemia, headaches, depression, and muscular, joint, and bodily pain.The duration of the disease can vary from a single week up to months and in some cases, years. The first stage is when septicemia occurs; this is followed by a triad of fevers, sweating, and migratory arthralgia and myalgia. If the disease goes untreated it may cause focalizations and become chronic. The focalization of the disease regularly occurs in the bones and joints and spondylodiscitis of the lumbar spine may occur. References: McLean DR, Russell N, Khan MY (October 1992). â€Å"Neurobrucellosis: clinical and therapeutic features†.Clin. Infect. Dis. (4): 582–90 Radostits, O. M. , C. C. Gay, D. C. Blood, and K. W. Hinchcliff. 2000. Veterinary Medicine, A textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats and Horses. Harcourt Publishers Limited, London, pp. 867–882. Wilkinson, Lise (1993). â€Å"†Brucellosis†Ã¢â‚¬ . in Kiple, Kenneth F. (ed. ). The Cambridge World History of Human Disease. Hamilton AV, Hardy AV (March 1950). â€Å"The brucella ring test; its potential value in the control of brucellosis† (PDF). Am J Public Health Nations Health (3): 321–3. Woods, Lt Col Jon B. ed. ) (April 2005) (PDF). USAMRIID’s Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook (6th ed. ). Fort Detrick, Maryland: U. S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases. p. 53 Ettinger, Stephen J. ; Feldman, Edward C. (1995). Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (4th ed. ). W. B. Saunders Company Brucellosis (Brucella abortus) AKA: Bangs Disease Cody Richardson Department of Biology Montana Tech of the University of Montana Date: 4/24/2010 Cody Richardson Montana Tech Butte, MT (406) 461-2544 [email  protected] edu

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case Study Analysis †Acme Mineral Extraction Company

The case of Acme Mineral Extraction Company helps in identifying the management approach and the leadership styles that lead to the success of the project based work teams in a particular situation. The case demonstrates that a particular management style does not suit all situations. Successful leadership styles are often situation driven. The difference in response of the workers at the two sites that the company implemented the same project shows that success of leadership styles not only depends on the right methods and processes being used by leaders but also upon the personal charisma of the leaders. The respect that leaders command from the subordinates makes it easier to implement new programs and bring about change. Trust plays a great role in implementing new ideas of the leaders. The concepts like the ‘problem chat’ and the SPITS brought the members from all the three functional groups together to accomplish the task of solving common problems. The cross-functional teams introduced in Wichita, by the way of problem chat and STIPS proved as an effective means for allowing people across the departmental boundaries to exchange information, develop new ideas and solve problems. The guidance of Peterson and the cross-functional activities helped in achieving better coordination and cooperation among the team members. The work team at Wichita evolved through the various stages of team development starting from the forming, storming, norming and performing. The formation of ‘problem chat’ was the first step of forming a work team. The storming stage was full of conflicts, frustrations and anger followed by norming stage, when the people gradually started trusting each other. The performing stage of the team evolved with the introduction of SPITS groups, where the team members had the authority to address problems. Donald Peterson played a significant role of an effective leader for the work team based productivity project at Wichita. The success of the cross-functional teams at the Wichita Pilot project, under the leadership of Donald Peterson, demonstrates the role effective leadership. The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends upon proper match between leader’s styles and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader (Robbins, 2000). While Suzanne Howard was a transactional manager, trying to motivate the company employees towards established goals by clarifying the role and task requirements, Peterson played a transformational leader with proven charisma. Workers and engineers from the different functional groups in Acme, Wichita, trusted Peterson because of his competence, loyalty to the firm, and openness. This trust in Peterson, increasingly gave him the access to the team members decisions, thus helping him to be able to form an effective team. The similar approach of introducing the â€Å"problem chat† and the SPITS (select a problem and implement a tailored solution) groups implemented at two different sites of Acme, resulted in distinct responses. Trust appears to be the primary attribute associated with leadership (Robbins, 2000). Employees at Wichita were willing to share their problems and knowledge with the rest of the team because they had an identification-based trust in Peterson and were confident that there rights and interests were safe under his leadership. Conflict resolution was the primary objective of Peterson and he adopted the Collaborating Style of conflict management. High on assertiveness as well as on cooperativeness, Peterson valued the concerns of the labor as well as those of the professionals, thus gaining commitment of both the parties. The expertise and first-hand experience of the problems at the different positions in the company added to the successful leadership role of Donald Peterson. Having served at all range of positions, he understood the psychology of workers at each level and so was able to develop a network of cooperative relationships among them. Howard comment on the absence of Peterson in Lubbock being the cause of failure is a self-evident fact. For Suzanne Howard and her team to attain the desired success at Lubbock, they must initially understand that behavioral approach of the management must keep up the contingency approach in order to be successful at different situations. It is important to understand that the situation and the problems at Lubbock might be very different and so the response or the approach must be appropriate .In the absence of an acquainted leader, the formation of work-team necessitates building trust and involvement among the people. Making the attendance mandatory demonstrates an assertive style and a task-oriented leadership, which is not a source of motivation for the members. Employing intervention strategies such as development of individuals, working on the a sense of common purpose and commitment among the employees and tackling the barriers between the various organizational units can be tried as efforts towards bringing people together and gaining their trust. Howard’s team must give ample time to the people to evolve as a team. Working for the commitment and enthusiasm of the staff must be the first target to develop effective teams. Once an effective team has been built, Howard’s team must work towards conflict resolution, team building exercises and other efforts to improve the performance of the team. References Robbins, S.P., (2000). Organizational Behavior, (9th Ed.). India: Prentice Hall of India.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sherwood Elementary School Assessment and Diagnosis Research Paper

Sherwood Elementary School Assessment and Diagnosis - Research Paper Example This school enrolls students from pre-kindergarten to 8th grade. 2012 -2013 data shows that Sherwood elementary school’s largest demographic is black. This is 96.7% of the student population. There are other races which are; Hispanics, whites, Asians, Native Americans and others. This group is composed of 3.3% of the student population. The second largest demographic is the Hispanics which is 2% of the student population. Still as of 2012-2013, the number of students enrolled in the school was 301. From this number, 15.6% were special education students, and 97% were low income students (Chicago Public Schools, 2013). According to the Local School Directory and USA School Info, however, the total number of students enrolled as at 2013 is 408 and 386 respectively. USA School Info’s data shows that the male population is slightly higher than the female population. That is, 200 and 186 females. Local School Directory’s data shows that the school has 204 males and 20 4 females. The Local School Directory and USA School Info, also have different statistics about racial groups attending Sherwood elementary school. According to USA School Info, races are divided into Hispanic, black and other races. (which are two or three). The black constitute 96% of the total student population, the Hispanic constitutes 2%, and other races also constitute 2% of the total population (2013). Local School Directory’s statistics shows that there are only blacks and Hispanics as at 2013. The black constitute 99%, while Hispanics constitute 1% of the total student population (2013). Secondary Data Collection Based on the above information, it is important to focus on health problems affecting low income groups in Chicago, as well as those associated with black people, and Hispanics. One of the major health problems affecting Hispanics and black children in Chicago is obesity. This is as revealed by the Chicago public-health department report. Lowest rates are o bserved in Asian and white communities. During the 2010-2011 school years, 42% of black students, and 44% of Hispanics were obese. This is in contrast to 3% and 9% Asian and White students found to be obese respectively. Schneider also indicates that obesity is related to income. Obesity decreases with increase in income (2013). This means that low income students are most likely to have obesity. The statistics shown above indicates that 97% of Sherwood Elementary School’s total students are of low income. This shows the high likelihood of occurrence of obesity, or high likelihood of its existence as the main health problem. Obesity is a primary problem with other associated problems such as drug use, homicide, housing and drop-outs (Schneider, 2013). The Children's Defense Fund (2012) also notes that obesity is prevalent among black children with 1 in 4, of children aged 6 to 17 being obese. The black children are also at higher risk of being overweight. Black teenage girls of 12-19 years are at 40% risk of being overweight. Being obese is one health problem, but there are other health problems associated with obesity. Children with obesity are at high risk of getting bone and joint

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Brand Storyteling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brand Storyteling - Essay Example In addition, stories easily convey the message of the content by allowing customers to visualize the vision of the brand in an easy manner. On the contrary, messages based on facts do not create a long lasting impact on the customers as stories do. Effective stories have; entertaining value engages the audience and relates to the personal needs of customers. These features let the customer ‘live’ through the story of the brand. For instance, by posing a problem in the story with the brand as the solution makes the audience assume a true experience. Instead of the audience grasping the product pitches, the idea of the brand story is taken in (Barry 2014). Storytelling, no matter how many companies adopt it, it will always emerge as the sure way of excluding a company from its competitors by creating a more appealing and effective story than the other companies. Almost everybody enjoys the feeling of being in control of the environment, future and their lives, among other things. For that reason, companies should use storytelling to evoke emotions of the desire to control. The story makes it clear to the customer how the brand makes him or her in control, albeit in the subconscious mind only. By embracing family values to the brand story, the audience is emotionally influenced, especially married couples. For instance, Cerebos Pacific, a sauce additives company, uses Asian family values that relate to food to convince customers to buy their products (Temporal 2013). In Asia, food cooking is not just an act rather it is a way of emotional expression. A brand story that relates to the audience and through their ‘living’ through the story, their wishes are fulfilled and emotions are evoked. The brain encodes the value in things and remembers wishes that were vicariously fulfilled. A brand story that evokes emotions of love can convince the audience to purchase the product. Love emerges at the most fundamental emotion ever known to human beings.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Prayer in Public Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prayer in Public Schools - Essay Example Prayer in schools has been debated for quite a long period of time now. This is because prayers are very close to one’s heart, and should be respected for the link that a child (or for that matter a person) has with his God. There is absolutely no one else to fill the relationship as it is a two-fold link and cannot be seen as incomplete by any stretch of the imagination. Hence asking the children to pray just for fulfilling a condition is illegal and does not bring proper justice to the realms of freedom. Even though the young ones learn about religion, it is totally up to them as to how they want to perceive their world and their God in essence. The aspect that comes to light here is that praying in schools is conducted because students are being conditioned into learning something spiritual. What the teachers and the school authorities are forgetting essentially is that it cannot be ingrained into a child if he has not been taught about such nuances from his home (Bergel, 1988). There has to be a divide here because prayer is something that is very close to one’s heart, and no alternate answers seem to exist or come about for comprehending the same principles. Further, since the students leave the class during prayer timings, both the parents and the teachers would be opposed to this phenomenon. No teacher would like his students to leave the class at critical junctures of the lectures or sessions (Hannabuss, 2011). Hence it is always a good omen to think of these activities in light of growth and development rather than favoring or disfavoring a particular religion or society for that matter. If this is done, success would automatically be achieved within the debate of prayers in schools. It would be a sound advice to have a neutral prayer in the morning rather than a prayer that is inclined towards a singular religion. This neutral prayer would tell the students that mankind is more important than vice and hence virtue shall remain supreme no matter how difficult the times are and what the world thinks of these scenarios that keep coming about every now and then.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Database Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Database Implementation - Essay Example Database is said to be normalized if only it is in 3NF. The following rules are followed when normalizing a table in the 1NF for an organized database. The first step involves the eliminating of the columns which are in the same table; the second step is to create a separate table for every group of the related data then identifies every row with the unique columns that is the primary key. The tables in Community library database have not met the requirement of the 1NF, 2NF, and 3 NF since different columns in the tables has been repeated. The columns of the table repeatedly include the column of the data type, length and descriptions. This table can be created as a one table as shown below; This step addresses a concept of removing data which are repeated in a given table. It has rules which must be followed during normalization. The first step is making sure that the requirements in the first normal form are met. Secondly, remove the subsets of data which multiples the rows of the table then place the data in different tables. The third step is creating the relationships between the tables as well as, predecessors by use of the foreign keys (Coronel, 2011). Data should always be organized properly in the database. It is done by creating tables as well as, establishing the relationships between the tables in regard to the rules designed to protect the data and to make database to be flexible by removing the redundancy as well as, inconsistent dependency. Redundant data is known to be wasting the disk space as well as, creating the maintenance problems. If the data which exists in many places must be changed, the data must be changed in precisely to the same way in all

Discipline in the Public Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discipline in the Public Schools - Essay Example Tinker vs Des Moines Independent School District (1969): It was in 1965 when John tinker his sister Mary Tinker and a friend Chris Eckhardt wore black armbands on their sleeve in protest of the Vietnam War. The school faculty told them to remove those armbands, but they refused. As a consequence, John, Mary Tinker and Chris Eckhardt were suspended. (TINKER vs DES MOINES DISTRICT SCHOOL) The Tinker family protested and the sued the school district saying that they had violated the students right of Freedom of speech (Jacobs). The case was tried at Supreme Court, and the Tinker family won the case. The Supreme Court gave the ruling that the school official do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate" (TINKER vs DES MOINES DISTRICT SCHOOL). However, the court further added that the right of freedom of choice must be maintained within the limits. It should not in any way disturb class activity or invade rights of others. The impact of this case had been huge for the next years and many times the Tinker reference was used in courts. One such instance was when Mathew Fraser of Bethel High School was suspended by the school for giving a speech containing sexual innuendos. The court, however, favored the school and the suspension was upheld a speech containing sexual innuendos. The court remarked that it was fair of the school to suspend the student for using vulgar language within school boundaries. (Jacobs) The Tinker case edges on the boundary of what is right and what is not. It depends on the situation and the way people use their rights given to them by the constitution. The Tinker family wore black armbands in dispute of the war against Vietnam, but it was not invasion of school guidelines that are handed to students. War is means of destruction, no matter for whatever reasons it is fought. It takes lives of innocent people. It has been seen today that even football players wear black armbands to condemn racism. In 2002, people went out on the streets to condemn attacks on Afghanistan, but it was only a movement in which people took part (Pinto). Nothing violent took place. Same was the case with Tinker family they just wore armbands in protest of the war and possibly to side more students with them and show the State that the youth is not supporting the cause. It was not any act of violence. There was huge unrest among the American public in response to the Vietnam War, in genera l. (Hodbod'ova'). So, the Tinker family stood right in the case. If the case was tried in 2012, the decision would have stayed the same. In the twenty first century, people have much more freedom of choice and speech. We have seen many times people coming out on the street and not supporting the cause, such as the War against Terror in Afghanistan (Pinto). Goss vs Lopez: Administrators of Colombus, Ohio, Public School System-CPSS, appealed against the ruling of three-judge federal court that was in favor of high school temporarily suspended students of CPSS, on the grounds that Fourteen Amendment was violated for a chance of hearing was not afforded to them. The ruling directed that reference to suspensions to be removed from the record of the students. (GOSS ET AL. v. LOPEZ ET AL.) The judgment had evoked Section 3313.66 of Ohio State (that provides free education to children of 5-21) which states that the Principal of a public school can, either suspend a pupil for up to 10 days o r expel him/her. In case of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Airline Portfolio and Performance Report for JetBlue Airways Research Paper

Airline Portfolio and Performance Report for JetBlue Airways - Research Paper Example It is relatively smaller than the southwest airlines but most recently it has posed a major competitive threat to southwest airlines. Like the southwest airlines, the Jetblue airways adopted the low cost strategy to ensure continuous profitability is maintained. The JetBlue Airway is based in New York, forest hills and it operates about 500 flights on daily basis in about 50 cities. Unlike the southwest airlines, the Jetblue airways operate two types of fleets which are composed of Embraer 190s and airbus A320 and it has a total of 147 jets currently. The average age of the JetBlue Airways fleet by the year 2008 was 3.4 years. By the year 2006, it had gross revenue of about $3.3 billion. Inception of this airline led to a complete change in the operations of the airlines and an increase in competition and quality of services in most of the airlines (Hoover, n. d). JetBlue Airway’s destinations which it serves are mainly located within the United States which constitutes its main market although it has flights to Bermuda, Caribbean, Mexico and the Bahamas. Following its inception in the airline industry, the company was performing profitably until the year 2006 when it reported first quarterly loss. However, this loss was offset during the subsequent years. Today, JetBlue Airways flies to about 58 destinations in over 12 countries. It is set to being its services to California and Los Angeles states in United States by June this year. Domestic markets are the main source of revenues for the airline. Like all other airlines, JetBlue Airways has encountered incidents although none of them had resulted in fatalities and/ or hull losses (Interavia Business & Technology, 2003). As mentioned above, jetblue airway has had its good and bad times in terms of profitability or financial performance. After it was introduced and officiated, jet blue airways took off in a positive note as far as

Friday, August 23, 2019

Management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management Report - Essay Example Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 1.0Overview 4 2.0 Analysis of the Organisation’s Business Environment 5 2.1 Porters Five Forces 5 2.2 Industry Life Cycle 7 2.3 Scale and Scope of Barclays Bank in India 8 2.4 The Key Reasons for Barclays’ Success 9 2.5 Evaluation of Sustainability 9 3. Analysis of the Organisation’s Strategy 10 3.1 Value Chain Analysis 10 3.2 Resources of Barclays Bank 12 3.3 Strategies Adopted by Barclays Bank 12 3.4 Competitive Stance of Barclays 13 4. Critical Appraisal of the Strategy 14 14 5. References 15 1.0 Overview Barclays Bank Plc (Barclays), which is an English bank, is one of the chief financial service providers globally. Barclays entered Indian Retail Banking sector through Global Retail Commercial Banking (GRCB) in the month of May, 2007. The doors of Barclays were opened to commercial customers in India in November 2006 and at present it has around 2000 clients. It provides a wide range of services to its clients such as loans, payments and cash management services, deposits, trade finance as well as treasury solutions. In the present scenario, Barclays Corporate has a set-up of around 50 distribution points. In March 2008, Barclays Finance was launched (Sakariya & Paliwal, 2010). Therefore, in this context, the report endeavours to analyse the business environment of organisation in which key success and sustainability factors of the Bank is explored. The strategy of the Barclays Bank has been analysed with the help of value chain analysis along with analysis of the competitive stance of the bank. In the concluding section, critical appraisal of the strategies has been presented. 2.0 Analysis of the Organisation’s Business Environment 2.1 Porters Five Forces Entry Barriers (High): In the emerging markets such as India, multifarious decisions such as interests on loans, deposits as well as money supply are regulated by Reserve Bank of India. Reserve Bank in India had decided to provide licenses to a few numbers of foreign or new banks in India (RBI, 2010). These entry barriers prevent the entry of any foreign bank in India. A lot of control has to be kept on loan lending, the number of branches which are to be operated in the market and deposit taking. Since the people are likely to invest in the public or governmental sector banks instead of private banks for the purpose of the safety deposits the brand identity for Barclays in not well-known. Also because of the restrictions imposed on the number of branches, rural area people would stay untouched. As far as product differentiation is concerned the strategy of Barclays Bank works for the corporate or urban customers. Barclays Bank’s services which are efficient and quick enable them to attract a lot of customers. Rivalry among Existing Competitors (High): The competitors include private as well as public banks along with microfinance institutions located in rural areas. Acquiring most important stakes in Absa provides Barclays easy access in an untouched market which also helps them in brand visibility (Barclays Bank PLC, 2010). Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Medium): The customers, parent company and other funding sources are the suppliers of the bank from whom the bank can increase funds. In the market, the customers have a high bargaining power. Barclaycard provides an attracting scheme to their customers which in turn help them to get large funds that are important for

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Abbey policy holders Essay Example for Free

Abbey policy holders Essay But the massive loss suffered by Abbey in 2003 has affected shareholders. At a time where other banks are making record profits (Royal Bank of Scotland recorded 6.2 billion profit before tax9), the Abbey shareholders may not even receive any spare capital that has came from the sale of assets in the wholesale bank. As Abbey sold off over 80 per cent of the assets of the wholesale bank, analysts were hoping that Abbey could return between 1.2bn and 1.5bn to investors via a special dividend or share buy back. However, the chief executive of Abbey, Luqman Arnold was said to be increasingly cautious about the amount of cash that would be released due to regulatory changes. Whether or not this will affect the position of the shareholders is still unknown. Customers are an important group of stakeholders for Abbey. They are outside stakeholders. Communicating with them is a vital part of Abbeys strategic plan. They do this by advertising on various mediums, (television, radio, etc). This has proved successful in the past, as Abbey have won various awards for their Plain English approach. This strategy of not using banking terminology was very successful. However, should customers not be satisfied, there is also a customer relations unit available to help solve disputes. But a recent development regarding profits has upset many customers. For the second year in a row, those customers with a with-profits policy will not receive their annual bonus. There will also be higher exit penalties for those who choose to leave the with-profit policy, which could reach up to 10 per cent. This affects nearly 400.000 of Abbey policy holders.  According to Abbeys employee report Employee involvement and effective communication remain vital to {our} success. 10 There are various means of communication, from an intranet site, to a quarterly magazine (abbeyview). There are a growing amount of concerns among the staff in Abbey however, in the amount of job losses that are occurring within the organisation. As part of their return to traditional banking, Abbey has been cutting a vast number of jobs, many in the fund management sector. Many jobs have gone abroad to India. This has caused conflict not only amongst employees, but among the general public also, who are outside stakeholders of Abbey also. They see it as downsizing and taking jobs away from Britain. Recently, eight executive directors of Abbey have been paid à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.8 million made up of cash bonuses and shares between them, at a time when the company has suffered massive losses. The banks staff got an average of about six percent of their salary as a bonus last year, which was a rise of two percent from a year earlier. A member of the ANGU, (Abbey National General Union) said Staff were very pleased with the bonus that was paid out in a difficult year. However, in light of what management received it wasnt very much. This could lead to further problems in the future. Conclusion Abbey are still in the middle of a three year turnaround, so are asking their stakeholders to bear with them. But with the massive losses, and the seeming disregard for employees, shareholders and customers alike, they may find that it will take longer than three years to have their strategy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Home Depots Organizational Culture Essay Example for Free

Home Depots Organizational Culture Essay In my opinion, Nardelli’s programs were failed in changing operation of Home Depot to a more effective one. There are two reasons that Nardelli was not more successful. First, most employees did not want to an outsider to â€Å"GE-ize their company and culture. † Employees in Home Depot did not trust their new manager, which led absent support when Nardelli carried out the new process. The second reason was also the more important reason. Nardelli used the concept learned from industrial businesses to conduct the customer businesses. Since Nardelli wanted to conduct Home Depot in his own approach, he failed to recognize the importance of front-line staff, which leaded his fail in conducting the retailing business. The thing he should have done was improve the circulation of information between the different stores or within different level. Only in this way, he could solve the problem that Home Depot faced at that time—too large to be profitable. The worst thing he should not have done was to get rid of many old employees and replaced the full timers with part-time staff. This decline in the quality of customer service and customer satisfaction strongly hurt the customer orientated business. 2. Nardelli provided a three-part strategy including improving Home Depot’s profit, and expanding the business and market. Crow focused on the other three priorities which would revive employees’ sense of ownership, foster their product knowledge, and boost their morale. The greatest difference was that Nardelli’s initiatives programs were concentrated on increasing profit and expansion, while Tim Crow’s programs were concentrated on increasing employees. Nardelli’s action decreased employees’ satisfaction and loyalty, which ruined Home Depot’s strong customer service culture. Tim Crow’s programs increased employees’ loyalty and revived Home Depot’s organizational culture. 3. Strong culture reflects the values of the organization’s founders. Home Depot’s founders: Bernard Marcus and Arthur Black, as entrepreneurs, emphasized on commitment to customers, colleagues, and company. These conducted the original culture of Home Depot. Sometimes, the organizational culture could cause conflict when top management changed. When Nardelli toke over Home Depot, clash of two distinct cultural approaches occurred. Organizational culture that is consisted of shared beliefs, values, and assumptions existed in the organization would lead the behavior of employees and the direction of organization. Home Depot’s original culture let employees to establish strong relationship with customers, but after Nardelli’s conduction, this relationship as well as employees’ and loyalty were harmed. Since the culture would affect employees’ performance and organization’s achievement, it should be built to fit the characteristics of the business and altered with great care. Coordination, conflict resolution, and financial success were the assets of maintaining culture. However Nardelli failed to achieve these goals. Tim Crow, on the other hand, focused on restoring the initial culture by implementing more employee award programs that would positively impact employee loyalty and performance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Business Analysis Of Next Plc Economics Essay

Business Analysis Of Next Plc Economics Essay We plan to supply an complete lofty stage of repair to all our consumers to greeting them to Next, whether they are shopping in our elevated road, shopping centre or trade commons provisions, the Next Index, or online from side to side our website. Though our clientele prefer to supermarket with us, it should be secure, hospitable and simply reachable for all. We aspire to take action to consumers exacting desires from end to end the box up of actions we have in position, which we suppose chains all our consumers as well as individuals with further wants. P1Values and Objective: The ultimately objective of Next Plc is the delivery of sustainable long term growth in earnings per share. In the current economic environment, it will be very challenging to reverse this years deadline in EPS in the short term and for the year ahead EPS is again expected to reduce. Nevertheless, the board remains convinced that the groups long term objective is best achieved by continuation of the following strategies in its operating business. Improving and developing Next product ranges, success in which is reflected in total sales and like for kike sales performance. Ventura, which provides consumer services organization to regulars wishing to contract out their consumer phone organization and completion activates. Lipsy, which designs and sells its possess recognized younger womens manner goods from first to last extensive, trade and internet channels. Shareholders Influence: Bat always try to keep the commitment that they made with their investors. Under this, share holder can raise any question regarding the operation procedure of Next Plc. And the shareholders can even choose their Board of Director. P2: Shareholders Influence: Bat always try to keep the commitment that they made with their investors. Under this, share holder can raise any question regarding the operation procedure of Bat Plc. And the shareholders can even choose their Board of Director. P3: Responsibility of an organization and strategy Used for Next, company liability resources addressing type commerce connected societal, moral and ecological impacts and ensuring we jog our trade in a accountable way. We observe company accountability as a type constituent of how we behavior our commerce as we consider it makes good quality commerce brains. The areas we have recognized as having everyday jobs are: Our Suppliers we will jobs for helpful societal, moral and ecological improvements in our provide sequence Our Consumers we will job to make sure we gather or go above our consumers prospect from side to side the release of brilliant foods and service Our People we will job to offer a situation where our recruits are supported and appreciated, treated rather and in use worry of, listened to and are provoked to realize their full probable Community we will work to deliver value through our community contributions and support for charities and other organizations Environment we will work to keenly decrease the impacts of our on the business natural environment P4 Economic System The fundamental economic problem in any society is to provide a set of rules for allocating resources and/or consumption among individuals who cant satisfy their wants, given limited resources. The rules that each economic system provides function within a framework of formal institutions (e.g., laws) and informal institutions (e.g., customs). What and how much will be produced? Literally, billions of different outputs could be produced with societys scarce resources. Some mechanism must exist that differentiates between products to be produced and others that remain as either unexploited inventions or as individuals unfulfilled desires. How will it be produced? There are many ways to produce a desired item. It may be possible to use more labor and less capital, or vice versa. For whom will it be produced? Once a commodity is produced, some mechanism must exist that distributes finished products to the ultimate consumers of the product. The mechanism of distribution for these commodities differs by economic system. P5 Impact of Social welfare and Industrial policy In anticipation of ten years ago the term Welfare Work was a expression without meaning in the manufacturing world. In the present day it stands for a specific strategy on the part of employers which may bring about the explanation of many of the irritated problems of labor and resources. The leaven of this rule has already begun to job. A branch of wellbeing work from beginning to end which the business has had a great pressure on the people and the environment of the zone is that of countryside farming. At the time when wellbeing work was on track the environment of the industrial unit were like persons of most manufacturing plant life something but beautiful. Subsequent to the company has made its own goods attractive with lawns, undergrowth and vines, it trained the people of the locality, by lectures and demonstrations, the main beliefs of countryside farming. Consequently of this operation of education the industrial unit locality has been change from a region of stumble -down houses, powder plenty and tin cans to a locality of attractive homes and well set aside yards. P6 The impact of Macro-economic (Monetary and Fisca) l Strategy on the economy There are some differences in the economic effects of financial and economic rule, on the masterpiece of productivity, the helpfulness of the two kinds of rule in assembly the governments macroeconomic objectives, and also the time lags concerned for financial and fiscal rule changes to take effect. We will believe each of these in roll: Effects of Strategy on the Composition of National Output Economic strategy is often seen as incredible of a blunt rule implement upsetting all sectors of the economy even though in unusual ways and with a changeable contact. On the contrary, economic rule can be under attack to involve convinced groups (e.g. increases in resources -tested profit for low earnings households, reductions in the rate of company tax for small- middling sized enterprises, speculation allowances for businesses in sure regions) think as an example the effects of using either fiscal or economic strategy to reach a given raise in national earnings because actual GDP lies below probable GDP (i.e. there is a unnecessary output gap) (i) Pecuniary strategy expansion: Minor awareness rates will lead to an increase in customer and business capital expenses both of which increases national income. Since investment spending results in a larger capital stock, then incomes in the future will also be higher all the way through the impact on LRAS. (ii) Monetary policy extension: An extension in monetary rule adds unswervingly to AD but if financed by advanced government borrowing, this may consequence in advanced interest rates and lower investment. The net result is the same increase in current income. On the other hand, since investment expenses is minor, the investment stock is lower than it would have been, so that future incomes are inferior. In UK lots of multinational organization are operating, Many people from different part of the world also visited in UK for different purposes, if the global economy fall the business of UK based company also fall down. As a result they faces difficulties to earn profit and ultimately the shareholders suffer. P7 Perfect Competition: A market is said to be perfectly competitive when firms perceive that they individually have no noticeable influence on market price. The outcome in such an industry is efficient in the sense that the cost of the last unit of output (marginal cost) would just equal what consumers would be willing to pay for that unit. Perfect competition is a regarded as a benchmark market structure for evaluating other market structures. Market Structure and Competition: The market structures tells us about the environment within which an enterprise functions and the nature of external pressure on the enterprise. The elements of market structure that we look at are concentration ratio, stability of market shares, conditions of entry and exit of firms. FDI Policy Stability of Markets Shares A limitation of the above summary measures of concentration is that they ignore the dynamic changes in the market shares of individual firms. Market shares of dominant firms may increase or decline over time. Greater churning of market shares in given market suggests greater intensity of competition. P8 Market forces and organizational Response: Organizations always response positively toward market forces. The traditional way of management in NEXT had seemed to work successfully, but in todays rapidly changing environment, its ignorance of changes invited risks. The disadvantages of its highly centralized hierarchy and autocratic management style emerged and hindered effective decision making and thus affected its management; while its competitors reacted quickly to the changes and improved their performance to become competitive. The centralized structure didnt allow the store managers and employees to participate in the decision-making process. There was only one-way flow of communication. Employees opinions on a strategy or plan and customers feedback were barely received to the top management. Although Greenbury visited stores frequently to supervise the operations, he could only get false message due to the fear of him among the staff.   This unhealthy phenomenon stimulated the growth of a vicious circle: a poor decision was made based on the poor perception of the internal and external environment; false feedback or no feedback convinced the decision maker, in this case Greenbury, believe that the decision was sound and right and then another decision was made based on such assumptions. P9 Company Summary This segment presents the key details statistics, business explanation, and products services unfilled by the corporation. Key Competitors: This section first selects the competitors based on assets, sales, focus of business, or geographic achieve. Then all the competitors are profiled. Key Industry Strategies of Each Competitor: It talks about the present and future strategies of each business. All industry, marketing, monetary and governmental strategies are discussed here. Relative SWOT Psychiatry: Our comparative SWOT analysis is a valuable step in assessing your companys and you competitors strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It offers powerful insight into the critical issues affecting a business. Comparative Financial Analysis: This section compares the recent financials of the company and its competitors. The financial performance of each segment of all the companies is also discussed here. The objective is to appraise the financial health of the company vis-à  -vis its competitors. The stock price comparison helps us in evaluating the performance of the company position versus its competitors from an investors standpoint. There is an imperative role for tobacco control advocates in the policy development process in authoritarian agencies. P10: International trade, economic integration and global market The selling and advertising of goods and services crossways national boundaries is known as worldwide trade. International trade is the spinal column of our modern, commercial world, as producers in various nations try to profit from an extended market, rather than be limited to selling within their own boundaries. There are many reasons that trade across national borders occurs, including lower construction costs in one region versus another, dedicated industries, lack or surplus of natural capital and purchaser tastes. One of the most contentious mechanism of global trade in the present day is the lower construction costs of on the rise nations. Both the United States and the European Union have forced severe limitations on imports from Asian nations to try to stem this tide. Obviously, a business that can pay its staff the equivalent of dollars a day, as compared to dollars an hour, has a discrete selling benefit. P11: Impact of two policies on European Union Discussion with UK SME commissioner bodies on familial and European matters consistently shows that the main issue for their members is regulation. The 2007 EU Observatory Survey found that 36% of SMEs within Europe reported that regulations acted as a restraint or had presented difficulties in the before two years. At the same time as progress has been at the EU level, for example on the encouragement of the Think Small First standard and the European Commissions promise to reduce organizational burdens by 25%, we think a much more ambitious set of measures should be introduced An additional important issue is access to finance, where we believe action should be focused on improving the demand side, in meticulous investment readiness, and the supply of modest amounts of finance for entrepreneurs who, for various reasons, are deemed to be a higher risk. In order to grow, SME must also have access to new markets. Generally, exporting firms have been found to benefit from greater efficiency growth than non-exporters. P12: Economic implications for the UK of entry into EMU The UK has to make a decision on membership of EMU in the next two years. The economic and fiscal regimes in the Euro Area and in the UK do not differ greatly. However, we argue that relationship of EMU will increase the steadiness of the economy and the credibility of the policy framework, and hence will enhance the prediction for growth and higher incomes and service. 3. Pricing Strategy: Develop Marketing strategy: do marketing analysis, segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Make marketing mix decision: define the product, distribution, and promotional tactics. Estimate the demand curve: understand how quality demanded varies with price. Calculate cost: include fixed and variable costs associated with the product. Understand environmental factors: evaluate likely competitor actions, understand legal constrains, etc. Set pricing objectives: For example, profit maximization, revenue maximization, or price stabilization. Determine pricing: using information collected in the above steps, steps, select a pricing method, develop the pricing structure, and define discounts. 4. a. a) Total Revenue: 1000000. b) Marginal Revenue: 1200000. c) Total Cost: 1000000. d) Marginal Cost: 800000. b. In order to cover the variable cost the company should produce in BEP that is the company should produce 7 units. c) If the sales price is reduce to 45000 and Marginal cost is 17500 then the profit will be reduce to 100000. d) This is a perfect competitive market. Conclusion: In the last few years, NEXT has experienced the serious declination from a successful market leader to a company struggling against acquisition. The flaws of its traditional formula for success laid some potential problems for the company developement yet it was some key strategic decisions that resulted in the failures. Decision making is a central part in management. Decision making process can be affected by both internal and external constraints such as inadequate or incorrect information about the problem, failure to identify the problem, resistance of employees to change,   poor quality management, lack of resources both financial and physical,   poor communication systems, lack of team work, the organizational; the time available to react, speed of competitor reaction, macro economic forces, changes in consumer preferences, changes in technology, availability and cost of information. Strategic decisions, as long term decisions, require a highly detailed analysis because of their high cost, significance to for a companys long-term development as well as an absence of information and uncertainty. Decisions like market expansion and purchase of Littlewoods stores were strategic decisions. The task of the top management is to concentrate on the strategic decisions. In cases where too much attention from top management is put on the daily operations and routine decisions, problems may occur. Too much emphasis is put on the short-term decisions, so less time and efforts are assigned to the long-term decision making. At the same time, top managements interference in low-level decision making will cause a lack of motivation among employees.  

Monday, August 19, 2019

Christianity and its Reception in Japan Essay -- Jesuit Missionaries,

During the fifthteenth century the Western religion of Christianity began to spread across the world through the influence of European powers such as Portugal and Spain. In 1549 the tiny island nation of Japan was first exposed to Christianity in the form of Jesuit missionaries, which included the affluent Saint Francis Xavier of Spain. Japan, up to this time, had always been an isolated country and this was applied towards its traditional cultural values as well, shunning outsider influences without a second thought. Through Xavier's efforts however, Christianity was able to create a solid foundation in spite of its foreign nature. From its point of arrival in 1549 Christianity enjoyed a peaceful and gradual growth, until 1597, when Japan's then de facto military leader, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ordered the crucifixion of some twenty-six Christians in an outburst of anger (Spae 5). From here on the Japanese government began a series of persecution against Christianity and its followers w ithin Japan, ultimately cultivating into a bloody rebellion, and near massacre, in the Shimabara providence in 1639, and the eventual banning of all things Christian alongside a re-isolation of the country. This raises the question: Why was the religion of Christianity met with such resentment by the Japanese government? To answer the question, one must understand the circumstance and history of foreign tolerance in Japan, while also being aware of the political situation within the country at the time. From learning and analyzing these factors of society and politics, it can be realized that Christianity was utilized as a political scapegoat by the Shogunate [Military] government for superordinate means. Furthermore by analyzing this claim, an explana... ...d citizens. The attack of Christianity was chosen due to its foreign nature, as well the fact that it was minor nuisance, posed no actual political threat, and could easily be manipulated into a terrible monster. Once the Bakafu created this image of the evil Christians, and dispelled of it, the Japanese citizens were tricked into a fervent trust and admiration of their rulers. The events which transpired during this period of time help to explain why later Japan would become such a ultra-nationalistic country. The military administration of Japan was able to draw such focus and morale from its citizens due to an excellent manipulation towards view of foreign ideas. And from this initial embedding of anti-foreignness and blind belief in the government, would come the birth of the infamous modern-era patriotic and ultra-militaristic Japan of the twentieth century.

Romance de la Luna, Luna Essay -- Literary Analysis, Federico Garcia L

Federico Garcia Lorca’s â€Å"Romance de La Luna, Luna† is a Spanish poem that tells the story of a young gypsy boy and the moon. His love and infatuation with the moon leads to his death. This poem not only tells the story of this young child’s demise, but also shows the effects when someone is lured in by an appealing temptation. The poem uses many literary devices to enhance the meaning the words provide. The poem starts at the beginning of the story as the moon comes to visit the forge. The moon is said to be wearing â€Å"her skirt of white, fragrant flowers† (Lorca 2) as its bright light penetrates the scene. The poem states â€Å"the young boy watches her, watches. / The young boy is watching her† (3-4). The repetition of the phrase emphasizes the young boy’s infatuation with the moon. The scene is set with intensity by the phrase â€Å"electrified air† (5) and a tense feeling is brought into the poem. As â€Å"the moon moves her arms† (6), she is given traits of being alive and having her own human qualities. Personification of the moon into a woman exemplifies the desire that the child would have for the woman, and creates a more appealing form for the moon to appear as. The child cries, â€Å"flee, moon, moon, moon† (9) with urgency, showing his concern for her. He warns her â€Å"they would make with your heart / white necklaces and rings† (11-12). This refers back to the metaphor that the moon is made of hard tin, but still personifies her by giving her a heart. The moon is additionally personified when she says â€Å" young boy, leave me to dance†(13). She has now taken the form of a sensual and erotic gypsy dancer furthering the desire of the young boy. This brings Spanish culture to the poem because gypsies are known to travel throughout Spain. The mo... ... The story of this poem tells about a young boy that is lured in by the sensuousness of the moon, and then dies because of his own desire for her. The symbolic meaning is much more hidden and disguised by the literary elements of the poem. The storyline and aspects of the literal story add meaning when searching for the figurative meaning. The warning learned from this poem is that infatuation with anything can lead to a downfall. The moon seemed to offer a comfort that attracted him, but it was only a disguise to lead him to death. The passion the young boy felt for the moon can easily be modified to describe the passion a person can feel for anything. The young boy saw safeness in the moon that brought him closer to her. Any obsession will seem to offer the same comforts that the young boy also saw, but this poem warns that death can always disguise itself.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Grandpa Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Grandpa My grandpa was one of the most caring and understanding men that I have ever known. He always found a way to make us happy, whether he was dressing- up as Santa Claus, on Christmas Eve, or building us tree houses. His death greatly affected both my grandma and I. The shock of my grandpa’s death totally devastated me. I found out that my grandpa died one night after my mom picked my brother and I up from day care. We went over to our grandma’s house on a weeknight, which was unusual, because we always spent time with our grandparents on the weekends. When we got to our grandma’s house we saw that our dad and our aunt were sitting in the living room with our grandma. This was very unusual, because our dad lives in Prescott, and our aunt works on the other side of Phoenix from where my grandma lives. All three of them looked very somber. I was still pretty young, so I did not realize what was happening, and I asked where our grandpa was. The second I finished my question, dad started sobbing, and said â€Å"Son, grandpa is dead.† He said my grandpa died of a massive heart-attack at about three o’clock that morning. He said there was nothing that the paramedics could have done. I could see there was a spot of bl ood on the floor right where my grandpa died and the paramedics had tried to revive him to no avail. The truth hit me like a freight train, and I began to cry. I did not stop crying until I fell asleep at about two o’ clock the next morning. I did not know what ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Motives for Holding Inventory Explained

In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, retailers stock their inventory with dozens of Christmas items in anticipation of the holiday rush. When Christmas has passed, the store is left with Christmas items that did not sell. To make room for the next calendar holiday, the retailer will sell their Christmas overstock at extreme discounts. Whatever doesn’t sell will be restocked in inventory for the next Christmas season. The retailer is able to get a jump-start for the next Christmas season by placing last year’s Christmas inventory out in October. A good business operation understands that there will be times when holding inventory becomes crucial in their success. From not wanting to spend additional funds on restocking, to preparing for fluctuations in market conditions, motives for holding inventory are indispensable in inventory management. There are 4 motives for holding inventory: Production smoothing, inventories as a factor of production, stock-out avoidance, and work in progress (Gregory, 2007). Production smoothing, the first of the four motives, involves preparing for fluctuations in sales, as well as seeking a more economically sound way to continue production. When sales offset production either positively or negatively, inventories will rise or fall. With production smoothing, it is more logical to produce items at a constant rate (Gregory, 2007). The second motive is consideration for inventories as a factor of production. Let’s say that a drama teacher is looking for a Christmas tree in June for his â€Å"Christmas in July† production. The overstock from last year’s Christmas season assists in the retailer not losing business because they restocked Christmas trees that didn’t sell from last year. The third motive, stock-out avoidance, protects a business from contractual risk, as well as lost sales in the event of high demand (Fafechamps, 1997). With contractual risk, both the business and the client run the risk of not adhering to a contract, but in  the way of business, holding inventory provides better odds that the business will have what the client requires in order to conduct business and comply with their contract (Fafechamps, 1997). In addition to this motive, being prepared for unexpected demand is imperative in keeping business. For example, an unexpected freeze in the fall could cause people to shop in droves for firewood. The retailer who does not meet the demand will lose business and retain the reputation of not being sufficiently stocked. The final motive, although not really a motive at all, is work in progress. Any unfinished item in the store must also be counted as inventory (Gregory, 2007). If you have ever walked into a store to buy a specific item and found that the store does not have it in stock, you may avoid the store all together in the future. Holding inventory is important for both the business and the customer. It ensures repeated business and makes for smooth sailing. References: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gregory, Mankiw & Cronovich, Ron C. (2007) Investments and Inventory. January 2007. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fafechamp, Marcel, Gunning, Jan W. & Oostendorp, Remco. (1997) Inventory, Liquidity and Contractual Risk in Marketing. January 2007.   

Friday, August 16, 2019

Police deviance Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Policing has a great potential for abusive conduct where police officers become perpetrators of various crimes. Aside from the exposure to the world of crime there is the inherent police culture which is generally susceptible to corruption. Police misconduct ranges from â€Å"the excessive use of deadly force, excessive use of physical force, discriminatory patterns of arrest patterns of harassment among the marginalized sectors of society which include the aggressive and discriminatory use of the ‘stop and frisk’ and overly harsh enforcement of petty offenses, overreaction to gang problems, lack of accountability including failure to discipline or prosecute abusive officers, or deter abuse by denying promotions and/or particular assignments of prior abusive behavior and a host of other potential abuses† (ACLU 1991). With this theme this paper succinctly captures and elaborates on specific police officer misconduct such as the occurrence of falsif ication of evidences by police officers for the use in trials. ~Nature of Police work   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Law enforcement is a highly visible kind of work and the benefits, challenges and potential problems are immense yet appear typically predictable. Films and television people make sure that stuffs like detective stories, sitcoms with punch lines that depict familiar police caricatures and the like keep law enforcement on the frontlines. Not that it needs to be advertised; police work hugs the headlines because their tasks are unavoidably sensational.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Policing is said to be characterized as an occupation with â€Å"hours of boredom followed by minutes of sheer terror† (â€Å"Police Culture and behavior†).   What is it like to be a police officer? What are the qualifications that this specific government agency requires from their potential recruits? Who can get in and stay as assets not only to the workplace or agency but also to the immediate community which is what police work actually entails? This paper attempts to describe and explain in prà ©cis the personality traits and other pertinent information concerning this important worker of every community. It seeks to answer the preceding questions and attempts to present a profile of what every law enforcement agency hopes to hire from among the applicants or attract from the general public. Discussion ~†Ideal Police personality†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a study, the results reveal that confirms a clear personality profile with police possessing traits as â€Å"authoritarianism, suspicion, racism, hostility, insecurity, conservatism, and cynicism† (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite the common thread that exists among the profiles of police, the demands that society impinges on policing style have started to effect on the qualifications expected to emerge from successful candidates. These days the police ought to display such qualities as â€Å"incorruptible, well-adjusted, people-oriented, free of emotional reactions, and logical† (Lefkowitz, n.d.). In addition, literature indicates that an undesirable temperament in policing is introversion with dominance and leadership topping the desirable ones. Women officers are expected to exhibit more assertiveness especially that suspects usually do not respect female cops (Calderon, 2005). Given the culture unique to the workforce, police tasks are not only routinary and yet demand an all-around ability from the person; these are also in most cases stressful. Police suicides have even risen for a variety of reasons. Many are involved in risky assignments while some settle for the more mundane desk job which rarely sees action. The public have mixed perception with the job but many are still drawn to become law enforcement’s recruits. ~Use of false evidences in trials and the police officer’s code of ethics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a set of code of ethics for every kind of profession which serves as a guide that the police man adheres to in the course of his year spent in policing. It serves as a standard to the individual whose opportunities for corruption and misconduct are potentially aplenty. Adherence to the code of ethics is required more from those exercising such authority since the kind of work these people do hinges on their moral fiber. In cases involving the false evidences for use in trials, obviously, the fundamental right of the suspect has been infringed upon regardless of the fact that the individual in question has had several records of criminal activities or not (ACLU, 1991). The rationale for most officers engaging with this kind of dirty work is their justifiable reason that for so long the criminal had been followed and is known to do the kind of work he did; that it’s high time the suspect be finally imprisoned. When there are no vital evidences linking the suspect to the criminal activity, police officers are tempted to plant and/or provide evidence. This has been an age-old problem and keeps recurring within the judicial system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are dire consequences concerning this specific act of planting false evidences against arrestees. To the police officer, the individual tends to develop or acquire the propensity to increase and grab the opportunities for misconduct or abuses. The lines between evil and good intentions become increasingly blurred for the individual, thus enabling the person/police officer to be less accountable with his misdeeds or actions (ACLU, 1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, the reforms that had been in place for the police force to lessen or reduce these abuses are somehow adequate but monitoring by citizens, the media and those in government   are better restraints to curb any further occurrences of similar cases of misconduct.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To act in an unethical manner such as the acts already becoming natural for police officers to do reduces and eliminates trust. When a police officer is initiated into policing, he begins with the public â€Å"swear in† which is done by a more superior officer before some number of audience (Kelly, 2003). When this occurs, the solemn ceremony signifies that the public entrusts to the sworn in public servant the duty to choose right over wrong, i.e., an individual cop with all the opportunities before him will not use these instances for his own gain or that of another except for the purposes that he was employed for in the first place. Erosion of trust is not simply a small thing; it is the violation of that basic faith and trust which was expected from the man in uniform. Works cited: Lefkowitz, J. (n.d.). The Police and the Criminal Justice System. Retrieved March 12, 2008, from: Strack, Lorr M.1994. Personality profile of police candidates. Journal of Clinical Psychology; 50(2):200-7. Kelly, Sean F. Internal affairs: issues for small police departments FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, The,   July, 2003   Retrieved March 17, 2008      

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Prisoner’s Dilemma Essay

The idea of prisoner’s dilemma promoted by Axelrod has created different levels of interpretation of relationships revolving around the international arena. The idea which originated from the rational choice discipline has paved the way for alternative explanations in the practice of governance in the anarchic arena.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Due to security issues prevalent in the international arena the concept of prisoners/security dilemma comes into the picture. According to (Mc-Graw Hill Companies, 2005, p.3) â€Å"security dilemma arises also when we don’t assume that nations and their leaders are inherently evil, war-mongering people.† In addition, the lack of trust and pursuit of relative gains among members of the international community paved the way for such actions among states. According to (Mc-Graw Hill Companies, 2005, p.7) â€Å"if trust is lacking there is likely to have strong relative gain concerns.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, there is a need of continuous information sharing, consensus, and trust among members of the international community. With the application of this will the issue of security dilemma be alleviated. According to (Mc-Graw Hill Companies, 2005, p.8) â€Å"security dilemma can arise between states in the anarchic international system due to lack of trust, misperception, and miscommunication, and the inherent ambiguity of every state’s attempt to acquire military power to survive.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One example in catering and addressing the challenges posed by security and prisoners’ dilemma is the creation of institutions that will foster the mechanisms and processes to alleviate the idea. It must be able to create communication measures, pave the way for trust to occur between states and clarification and monitoring that will enhance the distinction of offensive and defensive purposes. With these initiatives, the negative setback created by security and prisoners dilemma can be alleviated and prevented. In this light, cooperation may be possible. Work Cited Mc-Graw Hill Companies. ‘Prisoners Dilemma’ 2005 accessed December 10, 2007 [on-line] PowerPoint Presentation.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Battle of Issus Essay

The Battle of Issus Sometime around 310 BCE an artist by the name of Philoxenus of Eretria created amosaic (creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored material) of the Battle ofIssus that has long been considered one of the greatest artworks of antiquity. Found at theHouse of the Faun in Pompeii in 1831 the mosaic is composed of about one and a half milliontiny individual colored tiles called tesserae. The artwork illustrates the battle in whichinvading troops led by Alexander of Macedonia defeated the army led by King Darius III ofPersia. When looking at the piece the viewer cannot help but be impressed by the psychologicalintensity of the drama taking place. On the Persian side of the piece the viewer’s eye isimmediately drawn to the prominent figure of Darius shown in his chariot. A look of puredesperation, and perhaps even fear, is etched in Darius’ face as victory slips through his hands. As his steely eyed charioteer turns to rein his horses for a fast retreat to safety Darius stretchesout his hand toward Alexander either in disbelief that Alexander has beaten him, or perhaps ingrief over the death of one of his â€Å"immortals†. Around him are his Persian soldiers who mill inconfusion in the background, their faces filled with fear and determination. On the same side,there are two other figures that are quite notable and demonstrate the artist’s technicalmastery. The first is the artist’s depiction of the rearing horse right below Darius which is seenin a three-quarter rear view. The rider, his terror evident upon his face, glances back at thebattle as he attempts to control his horse. This kind of depiction is very impressive and ismuch more accomplished then other similar attempts such as the shading in the Pella mosaic orthe Vergina mural (Kleiner 142). The second, perhaps even more impressive, is the artist’sportrayal of the Persian in the foreground who has fallen onto the ground and raises a smallshield in a pathetic attempt to prevent being trampled. The man’s terrified face is reflected onthe polished surface of the shield moments before the chariot crushes him under its ornatewheels. On the Macedonian side of things the viewer’s eye is of course drawn to Alexander. Thisportrait of Alexander is one of his most famous. His breastplate depicts Medusa the Gorgon. He leads the charge into battle on his horse Bucephalus, without even a helmet to protecthim, and maintains an aura of unshaken confidence in direct contrast to Darius. As Alexandersurges forward in a supreme effort he drives his spear straight through one of Darius’s trustedâ€Å"immortals† who puts himself between him and the King of Persia. As the impaled Persiancollapses to the ground, Alexander fixes his gaze upon Darius in utter hatred. Although thedeteriorated condition of the mosaic makes it difficult to distinguish much on the Macedonianside a cavalryman wearing a Boeotian helmet with a golden wreath can been seen behindAlexander. Looking at the mosaic as a whole there are a few important details that grab onesattention. First is the fact that the landscape is very minimal, only one gnarled tree trunkappearing in the background and a few discarded weapons and rocks in the foreground. Secondly, everywhere in the scene men, animals, and weapons cast shadows on the ground. This unusual attention to detail is what enhances the intensity of the piece and gives it anaspect of realism that truly shows the horror and confusion of battle. The viewer cannot helpbut be drawn into the conflict and become a part of the drama as it unfolds. To me this mosaicis not only a truly great piece of art but also has furthered my understanding of Roman artwork,Macedonian warfare and the emotion in Hellenistic-styled mosaics. It is easy tounderstand how Roman author and natural philosopher Pliny the Elder concluded thatPhiloxenus’ depiction of the Battle of Issus was â€Å"inferior to none† (Kleiner 142).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Apple - Essay Example These strategies are adopted by the firm to achieve better performance help the firm to deliver a better than average performance. Cost leadership A business firm following cost leadership strategy aims at beating its competitors by producing at the lowest cost in the entire industry. The producer can now produce at a large scale and at a very low cost, thereby, enjoying huge economies of scale. The producer exploits the economies of scale which allows the company to maintain competitive pricing (Richardson & Dennis, 2003). Differentiation Under differentiation strategy the company focuses on the products that it offers for sale. It aims at making the products unique by identifying specific product dimensions, which are found to be most valued by its customers. The company develops its marketing strategies in such a manner that it would be able to satisfy the demand of its customers to the most desired level and therefore receive premium price due to the uniqueness of these products (Thompson & Martin, 2010). Focus Focus strategy is followed by a firm when selects one or multiple segments within the single in industry in which it operates (Dinitzen, 2010). The company aims at optimizing its product and marketing strategies to cater to these segments in the most efficient way, such that, it might gain competitive advantage over all other firms that competes with the particular firm. Focus strategy can be applied by the firm by following either of the following strategies; creation of cost advantage within a targeted segment (cost focus) or development of a differentiation strategy within a targeted segment (differentiation). ... follows the differentiation strategy in order to achieve competitive advantage over its competitors in the technology service industry. Differentiation makes its products (or services) unique. By following this strategy, Apple can make its products different from the products or service offerings of its competitors and makes the products of this company highly appealing to its customer base. However, the fact that the company has become one of the most successful companies in the world and that the customer preference for this company is significantly high compared to the rest of the companies in this market, is established by a number of internal and external factors. Performance of the company with regard to these factors has led it to the current level of success. These factors are environment of the industry, customer service, market segmentation and nature of products or services offered to the target market and its global presence. The company’s innovativeness makes its products as well as technology services shine among the crowd of modern technology industry. There are certain negative sides or risks of following the differentiation strategy. Companies that pursue differentiation strategy can command a price that is higher than the prices of similar products offered in the market by other firms. The differentiation factor allows the firm to command this premium price. It eventually increases per unit sales for the company and also improves loyalty of the buyer. Differentiation is the right strategy to follow only when the target market segment has customers with specific needs, but, are not adequately served. Also, the differentiation strategy focuses on bringing premium price for the firm. This implies that the strategy would be

Report on the Cost of Health Care in the United States Research Paper

Report on the Cost of Health Care in the United States - Research Paper Example There have been many controversies as well as dissatisfactions regarding the health care system in the United States. These controversies would be taken into consideration in this paper1. Thesis Statement The paper aims at discussing the health care system of the United States of America. The paper intends to illustrate the trends regarding cost and expenditure in the American health care system and recommends certain inputs to improve the drawbacks associated with the prevailing system. Data and Explanations Health Care Cost and Expenditure in the United States It can be stated that cost and expenditure related to health issues of human beings is one of the prime concerns for the United States. The cost and expenditure in the health care system of the United States of America has seen fluctuations over the years. It has been observed that the health care expenditure of the country was recorded to be around US$2.6 trillion in the year 2010 which as compared to 1980 report of expendit ure had seen an increase of over ten times. As it can be noticed from the table below that the health care expenditure of the company is in a constant rise from the year 1960 till date. It has been learnt that the United States has always noted to be spending more on health care than any other nation of the world. From the report of a survey, it has been recognized that half of the population of the United States spend a very little amount on health care while only 5 percent of the population of the country spend half of the total amount recorded as health care expenditure. However, the increase in expenditure of health care can be up to an extent justified from the fact that the population of the country has also increased form the year 1960 to till date. The table below depicts the increase in health care expenditure in the past 50 years2. Figure: Health Care Expenditure in United States3 Comparison of Health Care Expenditure of the United States with Other Countries It has been m entioned earlier that the health care expenditure of the United States of America has seen a considerable rise over the years. The health care expenditure of the United States of America is quite high as compared to other countries of the world. It can be observed from the table below that the health care expenditure per capita of the United States is quite high as compared to countries like Japan, Germany and France among others. The rise can be demarcated to be double the expenditure of other countries4. Figure: Health Care Expenditure of Certain Countries of the World4 In addition, it has further been learnt that in spite of having similar Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of other wealthier countries, the health care spending of the United States is quite high from those countries. The graph below would be providing a lucid picture about the mentioned fact4. Figure: Comparison of GDP Per Capita of the US with Other Countries4 It has been further observed that the total health care ex penditure of the United States annually is also much more than that of the other similar wealthier nations. The increase in expenditure is depicted to be at a much rapid pace and by a broad margin.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Why Jails and Prisons Are Not Deterrents To Criminals Research Paper

Why Jails and Prisons Are Not Deterrents To Criminals - Research Paper Example 1055). This occurs more often when low risk offenders are placed together with high-risk offenders. Being in prison cuts ties with family members, which has a negative impact on the inmates. As a result, of severed ties with family, deviant bonds are strengthened within the prison society, and the pressure to abide by law is dampened. Prisons offer dangerous conditions in which an inmate has to live. These are in the form of brutalization; where guards utilize violence against inmates, and inmates use violence against each other which makes prisons one of the most dangerous places on earth. Violence against inmates by guards has severe psychological consequences (Pritkin, 2009, p. 1057). From it, a prisoner loses all sense of being human and, as a result, affects their sense of self worth. Apart from this, violence by prison guards causes the prisoner to feel that they do not belong in the outside world and, therefore, lowers the prisoner’s willingness to abide by the set laws. In addition, prisons promote the need to protect oneself due to the violence perpetrated there. Due to this, inmates create gangs to protect themselves; which then proceed to the outside world. Due to their sense of not belonging, they continue their violent activities from prison in the external world. Crowding in prisons is a common occurrence that has beaten the entire concept of deterring crime by locking prisoners in prison. Overcrowding leads to inefficient sorting, classification and monitoring of inmates. From this, the inmate population is not managed effectively which leads to increased rates of criminal activities such as sexual violence and rapes among prisoners. Overcrowding in prisons, also, causes strain on the few available resources (Pritkin, 2009, p. 1058). This is because; the resources assigned to the entire inmate population are not enough due to the high numbers

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Structure, properties and treatment of steels Assignment

Structure, properties and treatment of steels - Assignment Example The first three methods change the chemical composition, carburizing by the addition of carbon, nitriding by the addition of nitrogen, and cyaniding by the addition of both carbon and nitrogen. The flame hardening and induction hardening processes do not change the chemical composition of the steel and are essentially shallow-hardening methods. In flame and induction hardening the steel must be capable of being hardened, therefore the carbon content must be about 0.30 percent or higher. So in case of 0.6 % plain carbon steel we have got only two surface hardening processes left and these are flame hardening and induction hardening process. These two are essentially the shallow hardening methods. Selected areas of the surface of a steel are heated into the austenite range and then quenched form martensite. Therefore, it is necessary to start with a steel which is capable of being hardened. Generally, this is in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 percent carbon. So depending upon the other required properties of the steering shaft the most appropriate method of surface hardening is induction

Saturday, August 10, 2019

She's One of a Kind Boutique Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

She's One of a Kind Boutique - Term Paper Example The boutique offers a wide variety of clothing items for women. The clothing items retailed at the business are designed by a team of experts associated with the organization and they are manufactured by a contracted manufacturing organization. The boutique also features clothing items by other designers as well who work in collaboration with the boutique. The competitive advantage of the business is the innovation in the production of the clothing items. The expert designers hired by the organization are encouraged to produce innovative designs and such designs are critically assessed. Only after the appropriate approvals, such designs are moved to the next level that is manufacturing. The main reason behind the established position of the business in the market is its competitive advantage. The competitors of the organization are unable to move the organization from its market share due to competitive advantage of the organization. Another factor that may be the reason behind the s mooth operations of the organization is the efficient use of technology. The business makes extensive use of technology throughout its operations. The information related to the business is centralized on a cloud computing system and the authorized personnel have access to the information. The marketing strategy of the organization includes; offering discounts to the customers, offering value cards and other promotional activities. In order to ensure that the organization retains its market share amidst the competition projected by other organizations operating in the market, the organizations implements upon its marketing strategy at a regular basis. The organization offers value cards to its customers which can be used by the customers to avail discounts. The more a customer shops, the more value points are added to the account of the customer and when a customer reaches a certain level, the customer becomes eligible to avail discounts. Promotional activities include distribution of flyers at shopping places and placement of banners. Initial financing of the organization was done partially through the investment done by the owners of the organization and partially through the debt acquired by the bank through a long term loan. The funds were utilized to acquire office and store space, to acquire the necessary computer and other office equipment, and to carry out initial advertisement of the business. The start-up personnel of the organization were; core management for each department and subordinate staff. The organization hired limited staff in order to start the business and once the business started to grow, more staff was hired on the basis of the requisitions filed by the core management. The hiring is done through an extensive process and it is ensured that only the eligible personnel are hired by the organization. Section 2: Code of Conduct The organization gives significant importance to the compliance with market standards. It is believed by the cor e management that compliance with standards is more than the responsibility of the organization but it is the way the business should be conducted. The organization also promotes ethical conduct of the staff and core management in

Friday, August 9, 2019

Finance report on Engro Corporation (Pakistan) Essay

Finance report on Engro Corporation (Pakistan) - Essay Example The overall per capita income is approximately $1250 with low literacy rates and high population growth rates. Pakistan is considered as a developing country due to different factors such as higher mortality rates, low literacy ratio, high population growth rates, higher levels of poverty, lack of health care facilities, poor education system etc. It is however, important to note that Pakistan’s economy has suffered a lot in recent times due to war on terror which has created significant law and order situation. (CIA The World Factbook 2011) Pakistan has its own Institute of Chartered Accountants which is also affiliated with the major international accountancy bodies. Over the period of time, accountancy as a profession has evolved in the country and Pakistan also exports its accountants to GCC countries especially due to overall quality and strength of its accountancy profession. Engro Corporation is a diversified company engaged in fertilizer, food as well as energy sector. The primary markets of the firm are Pakistan where it mostly sells its output however, it also plans to expand its food business in North America also. (Najeeb 2011). Major competitors of firm include Fauji Fertilizer Limited, Nestle Limited, and Unilever Pakistan etc. Company Industry Assets Market Cap Employees Engro Corp Conglomerate 132,105M 55748.035M2 32023 Pak Packages Food, Beverage 39,625.0M 8.800Bn4 300 Unilever 5Pakistan FMCG 13,554.00M 75.2Bn NA Fauji Fertilizer6 Fertilizer 74,016.94M 131.8Bn 100-500 PSO7 Oil Marketing 202,247.7M 40.90Bn 2000 Lotte Pak8 Chemical 22,896.00M 16.80Bn 2279 The above data about the companies are present on the official website of the Karachi Stock Exchange where all these firms are listed. 2(a) Engro Corp is required to publish its annual audited report in compliance of various domestic as well as international legislation requirements. It prepares following financial statements10: 1. Balance Sheet 2. Profit and Loss Account ( along with statement of comprehensive income) 3. Cash flow statement 4. Statement of changes in equity The first three notes to the accounts discuss following: Legal Status and Operations: In this note the firm has discussed its legal status and operations while at the same time giving a bifurcation of its balance sheet to outline different segments of its business. Note 2 provides the summary of the significant accounting policies adapted by the firm and discusses different policies such as basis of preparation of the accounts, application and interpretation of different accounting standards etc. Note 3 provides critical accounting estimates and judgments and provides a comprehensive understanding of firm’s policies regarding depreciation, impairments, income taxes, fair values of employees investments etc. Appendix Attached 2(b) The basis of preparation of the accounts are the historical cost c onvention however, firm has disclosed that it also records some financial assets and financial liabilities based on their fair value. It is also to be noted that the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the approved

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Managing Human Resource in Health and Social Care Essay

Managing Human Resource in Health and Social Care - Essay Example Current approaches in human resources suggest a number of weaknesses: a hasty, stop-gap attitude towards problems of human resources; dispersion of accountability within human resources management (HRM); a limited notion of personnel administration that fails to include all aspects of HRM; and finally the short-term outlook of HRM (Dussault & Dubois, 2004, p.iii). Performance monitoring and promoting Performance should be monitored in the health and social care system, as they are instrumental in stimulating, creating and maintaining health and social care improvement. Around the world, rapidly changing landscape between acute and chronic diseases is placing various demands on the health and social care workforce. To provide effective health and social care for chronic conditions, the skills of the health care professional have to be extended along with the existing ones, to fulfill the new complicated situations. First, the workforce must adopt a patient-centric approach. Second, se rvice providers need the necessary communication expertise, which should enable them to cooperate with other providers and patients. Third, the workforce must equip with expertise to ensure that the security and quality of patient care is continuously improved. Fourth, the workforce needs expertises that assist them in checking patients across time and using and sharing information through available technology. Finally, the workforce must develop broadest perspective to consider patient’s care and provider’s role (WHO, 2005, pp.11-12). Methods of Monitoring Performance Management by walking around: Getting out of your office and being physically present on a regular basis is an important place to start. One will gain a great sense of â€Å"what’s going on†Ã¢â‚¬â€as well as a first-hand feel for what is not understood or what needs to better communicate. Managers of a health and social care unit should take ad-hoc approach in this case. They can visit and revisit same premises during change of shifts of nursing staffs with special emphasis on the ICU after a critical surgery to check the activities of nursing and other staffs. Visits or walking around monitoring without any prior notice is very important in a health care set up where work division is very important. Visiting the reception at least thrice a day by the management personnel is very important because that is where the patients get the first impression about the care they would get within the unit. 360-degree assessment: It involves polling various people who have contact with a particular employee, to get an idea about the employee’s performance. The employee also is polled regarding his or her own performance, with those results then compared to the feedback collected from others. People involved respond to speci?c questions on a feedback form. One can either make up your own form or purchase a generic one developed for use within your business area (Dorio and S helly, 2011, pp.61-64). The required staff should to be evaluated occasionally (in six months or annually) by many evaluators including his boss, direct subordinates, equals, internal clientele and external clientele. In a hospital doctors can provide feedback about nurses and vice versa. And it is quite possible about feedback among intra-nurses or intra-doctors can be used for performance monitoring purposes. Identifying training and development needs- Assessment for